So I couldn't take it anymore! I had been wearing my hair in a ponytail for the last two months because it was so long and thick. On Friday, I had my sister chop it off....she did an amazing job (as always!) and I love it! Here is the before and after pics....
This past week we celebrated Kinsey's 2nd Birthday....ALL WEEK! It was fun. It is hard to believe that a 2 years have past already. I have enjoyed every moment with her! We started out the week celebrating on her birthday (Wed the 16th with her Mi-Mi (because it was her birthday too!)at Longhorn's and then came home for some ice cream and pop rocks!
Thursday we went to my parent's house to get ready for Saturday...Party day. Kinsey had a great time....she loved seeing all her friends and family. Thanks for coming and all the sweet gifts! Here are some pics from the Party:
Tonight, we (the family) all dressed up as cows to go and get some free food at Chick-Fil-A! It was so much fun! Kinsey had no idea what was going on, but she didn't mind because she got her "choc-milk" (as she says it), fries, and chicken. Amazingly we were the only people dressed up in the place for a while until a big family came in...decked out! I couldn't believe that people would not just do a small amount of work for some free food. We basically put on all black and white and then cut out pieces of paper and taped them to ourselves...."easy cheesey"! I was so happy to get a completely free meal..drink and all! Next better believe we are going to do it again....and Keegan is going to get to join in! (I will post pics when I get the crazy computer to download them)
My friend Nikki came to see me today. She drove all the way from KY to come see me and others in GA and now is headed off to VA. It was good to catch up and see some of her pics from Korea. Nikki is one of those friends that you can just pick up where you left off when you last saw them. She is a great girl! I hope you have fun this week Nikki traveling the east coast! Thanks so much for stopping by!