Here are some "times" of us:
As of Friday I will be 23 weeks preggo! Wow...that means I have as little as 13 weeks left or as much as 17. That is weird to think of...and we are not ready at all. Not sure where we will be living and I don't have anything ready for "him" except a swing and pack-n-play (which he will be in for a while after he is born) I guess we are doing "ok" in the planning department. (yeah right!) I know it will all come together and I try not to think about it too much. The name thing is hard....we have one, I am just not sold on it yet.
Keegan is 14 months old as of yesterday..still with 2 teeth. We went to the dentist on Monday and they think she might get 4 on top all at once very soon. I hope so...then she can eat everything! =) Her diapers have been "hinting" that she is "teething" (the one this morning even got to me and I puked- good thing I had an semi-empty stomach!). She is starting to try to say things and has the cutest expressions!
Kinsey is 2 years and 8 months old...getting close to! She is starting to get very jealous of her little sister (just wait til the boy comes) and has been pretty whiny lately. I hope this stage passes quickly! She also has issues with #2...either it is stuck or comes out too much...she tells me her "booty hurts" all the time. I have no idea what to do about this..any help?
Shea just turned 30 last month...Praise the I don't have to hear him tell that I am an "old lady" for 4 months. Then it will all start over. Yes, I am older than him! He is working so hard these days for Reveal- when he has the time because his Walgreeen DC job is taking a lot of his time. We are thankful for the Walgreens job, just hope one day we can be where he can work for the church full time. I know he probably will work the same hours as he does now...I just hope he won't be so overworked and feel like he can't get ahead or even caught up on things. He does such a great job...thanks Hubby!
I am very "sorry" to use so many "quotes" in this post...I guess I was in a "quote" mood...ok , I will stop now.
Shea and I are getting to go to
Unleash next Wednesday..I am so excited! Mi-Mi and Pa-Pa are watching the girls...thanks! We also hope to get a chance to rest on Friday and is much needed!