Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I thought I would share a "great" moment with you all...

We randomly made a trip to Chick-fil-a one night and they were taking SantaCow pictures. I thought...well it's free so why not. Kinsey freaked out before we even got in the place and wouldn't even come near the cow (she stayed across the restaurant while I took Keegan). Keegan had no idea what was about to happen until I put her in the cow's lap and she freaked. I think it was more because I left her than she was scared of the cow. The funny part was Kinsey would not eat or even play in the playplace the whole time we were there. She was afraid of the cow/santa! I now have a great picture to share for Christmases to come! Hope you enjoyed it!


Anonymous said...

That is hilarious! LoveBug would've joined Kinsey across the restaurant or just flat refused to go in at all. PunkinBear may have gone either way - depending on whether she was following LoveBug that day or doing her own thing. Handsome would've loved the SantaCow! Haha! :)

Unknown said...

I get to sign under Mandy.It was great to meet you at the blog party

Anonymous said...

You need to update your blog I miss reading it.